The 8-Point Structure
of H.R.M.
Understand. Believe. Practice.
Point 1- You are a human being!
Point 2- You have the potential to love.
Point 3- Love means to do and be better in life.
Point 4- You are responsible to love yourself and love others.
Point 5- You are obligated to represent love, even if others do not.
Point 6- The value of love comes from truth, not society.
Point 7- The worth of our humanity comes from love, not the world.
Point 8- The purpose of our humanity is to come together, by love, to unite in peace and happiness!
the 8 points in detail:
Point 1- We do not judge ourselves or others by race, sex, sexuality, wealth, social status, religion, possessions, etc. We judge ourselves and others based on the character of our humanity.
Point 2 and 3- We must acknowledge that we, as humans, have the potential to love and with love, we are always able to do and be better in our lives. We must realize that potential within us as well as within others!
Point 4- The goal in life is to become the best person we can be. We can become better with love. We must apply love in our own lives in order to do better. We must love others because we can’t reach our true potential on our own!
Point 5- Since the goal in life is to become the best person we can be, we must choose to love. Love changes lives for the better and if we are aware of that, we cannot be selfish. We must do what’s right, not what’s popular.
Point 6 and 7- The value of truth and love applies to all persons at all times in all places and is independent from the world. We, as a society, DO NOT give truth and love value! Truth and love always existed and their value will always remain the same. Truth and love will always be absolute.
Point 8- The reason for love is to unite all people to join together to enjoy the goodness and beauty that love has to offer! The full potential of love is shown when shared with others!